LickiMat Cat Tuff Buddy
We will be able to stimulate them mentally since they will have to figure it out and lick it to be able to take it out and eat it. Mental stimulation is key in the development of our puppies and without a doubt this is one of the ways to achieve it (also with smell games, olfactory rugs).
It will also relax them since it will be difficult for them to take out the food and for those who are anxious eating it is a perfect way for them to eat slowly and not devour the food, we already know that eating quickly can lead to stomach torsion, poor digestion, and many problems that we want to avoid All coast.
There are many ways to use it:
We spread wet food (we can even freeze it to make it last longer)
• Barf menus are ideal to put in the feeder, especially crushed menus
• Melted molds (kefir, bone broth, mashed banana)